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Mood Swings Caused By Hormones: How to Cope?

Multiple factors influence our moods, and most of the time they are psychological ones. Misconceptions in personal relationships, resentments, offenses, oppression, and even weather can make our moods worse while love, friendliness, sincerity, or happy events raise our moods and make us feel confident and satisfied.

The hormonal status of a person has a significant impact on their mood. Hormones are controlled by the hypothalamus – a specific brain part structure that regulates your emotions, good and bad mood patterns. Balancing your hormones can both help to restore your emotional health as well as resolve possible mood disorders.

Let’s see which hormones are responsible for your emotional state throughout the day.

For Men

The emotional health of men is mainly maintained by testosterone which is the key male sex hormone. Testosterone triggers puberty and causes the development of major male characteristics like facial and body hair, deep voice, and the development of muscle mass.

At the age of about 35 testosterone starts to decline, and closer to the age of 50, it can be significantly reduced which is bound to frequent irritability in men of this age. The decline of testosterone often brings decreased energy, mood swings, and even depression.

The natural decline of testosterone is not low T that should be cured. Low T is a diagnosis called hypogonadism and occurs when a man experiences negative consequences of an extremely low level of testosterone which is shown by the blood test.

Classic low T is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • reduced sex drive;
  • loss of muscle strength or reduced muscle mass;
  • increased production of fat especially at the stomach area;
  • weaker bones and lower bone mass;
  • constant fatigue;
  • disturbing sleep;
  • and of course, mood swings.

All of that can be both prevented and treated, and that’s what we offer at HRTMedical. Learn more about testosterone replacement here.

For Women

Women’s mood is as changeable as the turnover changes in the body bound to the menstrual cycle and the levels of estrogen and progesterone. Women often experience mood changes during menopause and in the post-menopausal period and this happens because of the shifts in hormonal balance.

Sometimes the level of estrogen can overpass the level of progesterone – this condition is called estrogen dominance and results in irregular periods, low sex drive, swelling of joints, and very often – mood swings.

You can cure your displeasing symptoms with the help of hormone replacement therapy, learn more here.

How to Improve Your Moods

Now that you know that hormones influence your mood, let’s see how to boost your mood by changing your lifestyle and using other methods:

Sleep more

If your daily schedule is flexible enough, it would be great to sleep more than 9 hours each night or have a nap during the day.

Eat right

Sometimes this advice sounds like “eat well”, but many people understand it as eating more or eating unhealthy food. However, this means that you should better decrease the amount of sugar and carbohydrates in your food to keep a healthy diet.

Make regular exercises

It’s a well-known fact that physical activity and sports help maintain proper testosterone levels as well as increase endorphins – happiness hormones that lift your mood naturally.

Manage your stress

Everyone knows that chronic stresses are extremely harmful to our health, both physical and psychological. Stress elevates the levels of cortisol – the stress hormone and reduces the levels of testosterone.

Multiple techniques including meditation, breathing techniques, jogging, different sports, and more can help to manage the influence of stress and feel better.

Consider taking hormone replacement therapy

Treating low T in men or menopausal symptoms in women can be very effective with the help of HRT. Replacing testosterone in men and balancing the levels of estrogen and progesterone in women are the right ways to a troubleless future without any unpleasant symptoms of hormonal changes brought by aging.

If you need an additional free consultation or want to ask some questions and alleviate your concerns, please feel free to contact us now.

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